söndag 22 maj 2011


I believe in God.

I also believe in angels, fairies and magic. I believe in Love, and that it’s the most powerful weapon, just like Kerli says.
I believe that if we believe and work for our dreams the things we want will come to us.

I like to say that I believe in belief.

I respect all religions, and I am very fascinated of how religions can change people’s lives. But sometimes I believe that some people are using religions in the wrong way.

Yesterday, the 21st of May, it was, according to Harold Camping, told that the world would end. That there would be a massive earthquake that was going to be the beginning of the end.
Many people knew he couldn’t be right. But some were really frightened.

A 28-year-old guy quit his’ job to spread the word about the rapture day. People committed suicide because they thought the end was coming.

They are the reason I wrote this blogpost.

People are scared of 2012. I can’t say that I am completely chill and I can’t say that I’m not even a little scared.
But no one can tell what will happen 2012.
No one can tell what will happen tomorrow.
What if everyone lost their hopes and everyone would go and kill themselves because they thought the world would end 2012. And then it didn’t..?

For God’s sake. For Love’s sake. Don’t you dare loose hope. Because I need you, all the way.

Don’t give up before the miracle happens.Kerli Kõiv
